HttpVPN™ Free Downloads

Download HttpVPN Proxy Prerequisite for Visual Studio Setup Project

Download and install HttpVPN™ Proxy & redistributable components - best for Visual Studio* developers who want to make their web applications redistributable:
UltiDev HttpVPN Proxy Redist for Visual Studio Setup Project Beta-2 (v. 1.1.15)

Download HttpVPN Proxy Runtime

Download and install HttpVPN™ Proxy - ideal for hosting existing non-redistributable web sites & applications, as well as for developers who build redistributable web application packages using non Visual Studio setup authoring tools, like InstallShield and WISE.
UltiDev HttpVPN Proxy Beta-2 (v. 1.1.15)

Please note that since HttpVPN uses HTTP protocol to talk with web apps it hosts, it's not necessary to install HttpVPN Proxy on each machine running web applications. It's sufficient to run one instance of HttpVPN™ Proxy for the whole Local Areal Network. Single instance of HttpVPN™ Proxy can reach multiple applications running on different machines within the same LAN.

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