We've just verified that if you run UltiDevCassinWebServer2.exe as an EXE with command line parameters, and you don't supply default document file name, Cassini will look for common default documents, like index.htm, default.aspx, WebForm1.aspx, etc., and if it finds one, the URL in the browser's Address line will
not show the file name - it will only be http://host:port/. Here is the example we've tested (the application has WebForm1.aspx file):
- A command line:
Code:C:\>"%ProgramFiles%\UltiDev\Cassini Web Server for ASP.NET 2.0\UltiDevCassinWebServer2.exe" /run "C:\NoIISWebAppSetup\"
- The URL in the browser:
Please let us know if this information has helped.
Best regards,
UltiDev Team.
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