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Cann't install UWS after some strange error...
#1 Posted : Monday, July 8, 2013 1:04:56 AM(UTC)
Groups: Member
Joined: 8/21/2011(UTC)
Posts: 2
Location: Prague

After cca one week of using UWS some strange error occurs and from those times no instances, no redirector was shown in UWS UI. I try uninstal, but uninstall thrown some error. So I clear all registers (I hope) but the latest installer runs and on the end of installation thrown some error about incorect xml format a roll back all installation. In log protocol is logged that installer try register old appliccation succesfully registered, unregistered and deleted before first error occurs. What I may to do to recover UWS to working state? I use Win8 Ent and no configuration changes were processed before first successful installation of UWS.

very much,

[8. 7. 2013 7:38:48] Information

################# START OF INSTALLATION ################

-------------- Starting custom action Install ----------------
1. Ensuring event log can grow... ... Event Log setting didn't change.
Product version 2.0.19, code: 3fa0baed-c9d3-44ac-a379-7ad559d6ca60
Upgrade installation: No.
Source MSI file: C:\Users\vajdar\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS28BB.tmp\UltiDev.WebServer.msi
2. Checking whether this version of Windows (Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit (6.2.9200.0)) has HTTP.SYS driver.... Ok.
3. Saving EXE folder path ("C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server") to registry.... Ok.
4. Calling base.Install()... Ok.
5. Creating UWS (x86) junction point if necessary... Ok.
6. Copying MSI to redist folders..... MSI file copied 1 times.Ok.
7. Creating Windows Event Viewer (Application) log sources for host processes.... Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr2.AnyCpu" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr2.x86" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr4.AnyCPU" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr4.x86" already exists.
8. Adding UWS .NET API to Visual Studio "Add Reference" list.... Ok.
-------------- Finished custom action Install ----------------

high-privilege API service installer: [8. 7. 2013 7:38:49] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting high-privilege API service Install custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Install()...OK.
Changing service's startup and recovery settings...OK.
Starting service "UWS HiPriv Services"...OK.

low-privilege API service installer: [8. 7. 2013 7:38:49] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting low-privilege API service Install custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Install()...OK.
Changing service's startup and recovery settings...OK.
Starting service "UWS LoPriv Services"...OK.

[8. 7. 2013 7:39:36] Information
-------------- Starting custom action Rollback ----------------
1. Calling base.Rollback()... Ok.
2. Removing MSI files from Redist folders... Ok.
3. Removing junction point if necessary... Ok.
4. Removing junction points for redist folders... Ok.
5. Removing UWS .NET API from Visual Studio "Add Reference" list.... Ok.
-------------- Finished custom action Rollback ----------------

[8. 7. 2013 7:44:10] Information

################# START OF INSTALLATION ################

-------------- Starting custom action Install ----------------
1. Ensuring event log can grow... ... Event Log setting didn't change.
Product version 2.0.19, code: 3fa0baed-c9d3-44ac-a379-7ad559d6ca60
Upgrade installation: No.
Source MSI file: C:\Users\vajdar\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS1857.tmp\UltiDev.WebServer.msi
2. Checking whether this version of Windows (Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit (6.2.9200.0)) has HTTP.SYS driver.... Ok.
3. Saving EXE folder path ("C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server") to registry.... Ok.
4. Calling base.Install()... Ok.
5. Creating UWS (x86) junction point if necessary... Ok.
6. Copying MSI to redist folders..... MSI file copied 1 times.Ok.
7. Creating Windows Event Viewer (Application) log sources for host processes.... Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr2.AnyCpu" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr2.x86" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr4.AnyCPU" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr4.x86" already exists.
8. Adding UWS .NET API to Visual Studio "Add Reference" list.... Ok.
-------------- Finished custom action Install ----------------

high-privilege API service installer: [8. 7. 2013 7:44:10] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting high-privilege API service Install custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Install()...OK.
Changing service's startup and recovery settings...OK.
Starting service "UWS HiPriv Services"...OK.

low-privilege API service installer: [8. 7. 2013 7:44:11] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting low-privilege API service Install custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Install()...OK.
Changing service's startup and recovery settings...OK.
Starting service "UWS LoPriv Services"...OK.

[8. 7. 2013 7:45:00] Information
-------------- Starting custom action Rollback ----------------
1. Calling base.Rollback()... Ok.
2. Removing MSI files from Redist folders... Ok.
3. Removing junction point if necessary... Ok.
4. Removing junction points for redist folders... Ok.
5. Removing UWS .NET API from Visual Studio "Add Reference" list.... Ok.
-------------- Finished custom action Rollback ----------------

UWS.RegApp.exe Warning: 0 : Application physical folder does not exist: "C:\!Web\USR12_BB91CAD0X3091X44A0XA942X259FB15FCD09".
UWS.RegApp.exe Warning: 0 : Application physical folder does not exist: "C:\!Web\USR13_018DC957XFF41X441DX9550X1C343B4EED7A".
UWS.RegApp.exe Warning: 0 : Application physical folder does not exist: "C:\!Web\USR14_8F296F47X3DC8X47A9XB9DBX2F33FF9BA8DF".
UWS.RegApp.exe Warning: 0 : Application physical folder does not exist: "C:\!Web\USR15_6765233AX8300X4903XB445X3FFE8EE6FA5B".
UWS.RegApp.exe Warning: 0 : Application physical folder does not exist: "C:\!Web\USR16_3149E79EXED75X4D0FX9FADX568D5D125896".
UWS.RegApp.exe Warning: 0 : Application physical folder does not exist: "C:\!Web\USR17_95AC1478XD250X432EX9D5AXC9B8D6FA506E".
UWS.RegApp.exe Warning: 0 : Application physical folder does not exist: "C:\!Web\USR18_9DF83030X0AA1X4922X885BX7F96D4527FFE".
UWS.RegApp.exe Warning: 0 : Application physical folder does not exist: "C:\!Web\USR19_A9207F2DX99EDX44B7XB29FXB8F2D0A28604".
UWS.RegApp.exe Error: 0 : Failed to register or unregister application due to
"System.InvalidOperationException: Dokument XML obsahuje chybu (4532, 99). ---> System.Xml.XmlException: je neočekávaný token. Byl očekáván token >. Řádek 4532, pozice 99
v System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
v System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()
v System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
v System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadString()
v System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementString()
v Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderMetabaseSerializationHelper.Read8_WebAppConfigEntry(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
v Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderMetabaseSerializationHelper.Read9_ApplicationCollection(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
v Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderMetabaseSerializationHelper.Read15_MetabaseSerializationHelper(Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType)
v Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderMetabaseSerializationHelper.Read16_ApplicationConfiguration()
--- Konec trasování zásobníku pro vnitřní výjimku ---
v System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
v System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader)
v UltiDev.Framework.XmlSerializationHelper.XmlDesrializeFromFile[T](String filePath)
v UWS.Configuration.Metabase.LoadMetabase()
v UWS.Configuration.Metabase.UnregisterApplication(Guid appID)
v UWS.RegApp.Program.DoIt(Dictionary`2& pBag)
v UWS.RegApp.Program.Main(String[] args)".

Command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server\UWS.RegApp.exe" /u /AppID:4fd8b3f7-bc73-4583-95fe-e7b69b10a3ae
UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 :
---------------- Finished ----------------------
Ultidev Team
#2 Posted : Monday, July 8, 2013 8:48:02 AM(UTC)
Ultidev Team

Groups: Administration
Joined: 11/3/2005(UTC)
Posts: 2,253

Thanks: 28 times
Was thanked: 60 time(s) in 59 post(s)
Hi, Richard!

It appears that UWS application config file, "C:\ProgramData\UltiDev\WebServer\UWS.Configuration.xml" got somehow corrupted. Could you please send it to us by attaching to your response so we could take a look at it? Please also let us know whether you are using UWS app config API or command line app registration tool to register your app with UWS.

After you send us the file, you may delete it and that will let you register applications again.

Best regards,
UltiDev Team.
Please donate at http://www.ultidev.com/products/Donate.aspx to help us improve our products.
#3 Posted : Friday, March 30, 2018 9:27:27 PM(UTC)

Message was deleted by a Moderator.
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