We'll do our best to figure why default doc is not working.
Could you please try to register that application manually, using UWS Explorer, with TMLogin.aspx as default page and see if that works. After that, unregister it and re-register it using UWS.AppReg.exe and see what UWS Explorer shows as a default page for the application after registration. Please attach UWS Explorer screenshots of both manual and programmatic registration results (with default doc shown) to your response post.
As a side note, we noticed that you are registering the web app on the port 80, twice, and no other ports. Many target systems will have IIS5, Apache, or other web servers that don't share ports. You likely to have 3-5% application registration (and installation) failure rate if you don't add "http://*:0" to the endpoints parameter. This, thought, has nothing to do with the default doc issue.
Best regards,
UltiDev Team.
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