Thank you, Wayne!
It's great that you have contacted us this time. We wish, however, you have contacted us regarding Cassini problems instead of struggling on your own. Cassini configuration API allows registering multiple applications at once - without having to stop the service. If you look at the Cassini API
RegisterApplication() method doc, you will notice that there are static and instance variations of the method. Instance variations allow you to
Load the metabase,
Register multiple applications, and then
Save it. This way it would be only as disruptive as registering a single application.
We were gearing up for writing Pro for several years, and it's almost 1.5 year since we started. It's MUCH more complex than Cassini. Architecturally UWS Pro is closer to IIS 6 than to Cassini or even to IIS 5. Cassini took us only 2 months to write. Pro definitely has much more robust internal structure and application registration/unregistration is not disruptive. In fact, when two or more applications are running in the same host, one can be unregistered and removed from the host without affecting others.
Thank you again, and we probably will release build 10 tomorrow.
Best regards,
UltiDev Team.
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