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Joined: 11/3/2005(UTC) Posts: 2,253
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Hi, Kent. We have not tested Cassini with Win2K, but from the error message you provided it seems that SQL thinks user account from which SQL is started is an interactive user with profile folders, like My Documents, etc. Now, Cassini Server runs under "Local System" account, which has no user profile since it's not an interactive user. Do you happen to use impersonation in your ASP.NET application? If not, then any application/service - not just Cassini - running under "Local System" account and trying to use SQL Express 2005 will have the same problem. We'll investigate the issue, but see if you can google for the solution to the Local System account plus SQL 2005 issue. Please post the solution here if you get to it before we do. Regards, UltiDev Team. Please donate at to help us improve our products.