You can run CassiniServer.exe (or CassiniServer2.exe) as a console application to launch a web application without having to register the appliaction. This way Cassini will start running as a web server and will also launch a web browser pointing to the application. Cassini will quit after user closes the browser.
Here's how you can run Cassini in the command-line mode:
Code:CassiniServer.exe /run <PhysicalAppFolder> [<defaultDocument>] [<port>] [<browser.EXE>]
Normally Cassini web server runs as an auto-start windows service. If you are absolutely sure that your ASP.NET application will be the only one running under Cassini on that particular computer, you can change Cassini service's startup option from Automatic start to Manual. If you open Services application from Administrative Tools, you will see name is either "Cassini ASP.NET 2.0 Server" or "Cassini ASP.NET 1.1 Server". You can change startup options there. To tweak service startup options programmatically you may need to use .NET
ServiceController class.
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