Hello, Daniel.
All LowPriv service does is starting application host processes under Network Process user account. Making the service run under Local System account makes application host processes start under Local System account. So if the solution to your problem is running your app under Local System, then there's a much simpler way to do that: you can simply register your application to be hosted under Local System. All three types of application registration - manual with UWS Explorer, using UWS.RegApp.exe command line utility, and using UWS .Net API - allow choosing whether your app host process is going to run either as Network Service or a Local System.
However, please note there there is a reason why Network Service is a default choice for hosting a web application: better security. Please take a look at the following links - they talk about trade offs for using Local System vs. Network Service:
Please let us know if this information was helpful.
Best regards,
UltideDev Team.
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