Ultidev Team;13771 wrote:Hi, Liline,
When you say "it doesnt start without administrator privileges", what is "it"? If it's UltiDev.WebServer.msi or MSIEXEC.EXE, then that's by design - those do require administrative privileges and there is no (and should be no) way around it because installing a web server on a system potentially opens it up to hacker attacks.
Best regards,
UltiDev Team.
in my NSI file i have:
RequestExecutionLevel admin
ExecWait 'msiexec /passive /i $INSTDIR\UltiDev.WebServer.msi'
and the installation step is done with administrator level
After the installation (witch is done with administrator privileges), the execution of the resulted .exe doesnt register the application ,
what i want is how launch "exe" (after admin installation), without admin privileges,
Also, i saw that the function "UWS.Configuration.Metabase.RegisterApplication" requires administrator privileges and we can alternatively, use SystemUtilites.AclFolder() methods to grant Network Service user access to small subset of the app folders
i tried : SystemUtilites.AclFolder(_appPath, System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.Modify, System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType.NetworkServiceSid);
Metabase.RegisterApplication(RuntimeVersion.AspNet_4, true, true, ProcessIdentity.NetworkService, _appEntry);
Could you please tell me if there is something wrong..? it's not about UltiDev.WebServer.msi or MSIEXEC.EXE but the final exe witch is resulted from the NSIS installation (this installation is donne with admin privilege of cours)