I'm running UltiDev Web Sever Pro v2.0.21 and I've a strange case where a scanner device embedded browser is unable to surf any .NET 4 website/web application created inside UltiDev because a Bad Request error is generated. If I create the same site inside IIS than everything work perfectly, it works as well if the same site is set to run with .NET 2/3 under UltiDev.
Debugging bit more found that the problem is due to how the scanner embedded browser is creating a request, below there is a sample header:
Accept: image/png, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
and the problem is in the requested resource, if it is changed to "POST /Default.aspx HTTP/1.0" (so removing full host information) it works perfectly. Unfortunately I cannot change this because the request is created by the embedded scanner browser but the same request looks like accepted by IIS/.NET4 or UltiDev/.NET2-3, why the combination UltiDev/.NET4 produces this problem? Is there a way to overcome to it?
It can be replicated by sending a similar raw request via telnet.