UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 :
---------------- Starting ----------------------
UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 : User security context: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (WORKGROUP\SYSTEM), Elevated: False.
UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 : Successfully registered or unregistered an application with command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server\UWS.RegApp.exe" /AppID:4fd8b3f7-bc73-4583-95fe-e7b69b10a3ae /Clr:2 "/VDir:/" "/EndPoints:http://*:7756/,http://*:5677,http://*:56777" "/Folder:C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server\\Redirector" "/AppName:UltiDev Web Server App Redirector" /host:PrivateNetworkService "/AppDesc:Service web application for redicrecting to applications served by UltiDev Web Server" /SaveToUnregApps:false /Ping:Default.aspx
UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 :
---------------- Finished ----------------------
UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 :
---------------- Starting ----------------------
UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 : User security context: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (WORKGROUP\SYSTEM), Elevated: False.
UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 : Successfully registered or unregistered an application with command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server\UWS.RegApp.exe" /u /AppID:4fd8b3f7-bc73-4583-95fe-e7b69b10a3ae
UWS.RegApp.exe Information: 0 :
---------------- Finished ----------------------
UWS.Reg.Repair.exe Information: 0 : Registering Configuration API as COM typelib...Done.
Creating Windows Firewall Exceptions...
Added exception for the following ports:
-- Done.
Deploying UWS as setup prerequisite for installer authoring tools...Visual Studio was not found on this system.
InstallShield was not found on this system.
Successfully copied Advanced Installer prerequisite from "C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server\Redist\Advanced Installer\UltiDev Web Server Pro.aip" to "C:\ProgramData\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Prerequisites\UltiDev Web Server Pro\UltiDev Web Server Pro.aip".
Re-registering Legacy Cassini API assembly in GAC...Done.
Replace Visual Studio WebDev.WebServer with UWS Interactive Host...Not necessary.
[11/5/2013 10:01:49 PM] Information
################# START OF INSTALLATION ################
-------------- Starting custom action Install ----------------
1. Ensuring event log can grow... ... Event Log setting didn't change.
Product version 2.0.18, code: f60dfd1a-209e-4e12-9cf1-70820249a0c3
Upgrade installation: No.
Source MSI file: C:\Users\jean.wells\AppData\Local\Temp\7zSEEB2.tmp\UltiDev.WebServer.msi
2. Checking whether this version of Windows (Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Service Pack 1 64 bit (6.1.7601.65536)) has HTTP.SYS driver.... Ok.
3. Saving EXE folder path ("C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server") to registry.... Ok.
4. Calling base.Install()... Ok.
5. Creating UWS (x86) junction point if necessary... Ok.
6. Copying MSI to redist folders..... MSI file copied 1 times.Ok.
7. Creating Windows Event Viewer (Application) log sources for host processes.... Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr2.AnyCpu" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr2.x86" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr4.AnyCPU" already exists.
Event source "UWS Host UWS.AppHost.Clr4.x86" already exists.
8. Adding UWS .NET API to Visual Studio "Add Reference" list.... Ok.
-------------- Finished custom action Install ----------------
high-privilege API service installer: [11/5/2013 10:01:50 PM] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting high-privilege API service Install custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Install()...OK.
Changing service's startup and recovery settings...OK.
Starting service "UWS HiPriv Services"...OK.
low-privilege API service installer: [11/5/2013 10:01:50 PM] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting low-privilege API service Install custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Install()...OK.
Changing service's startup and recovery settings...OK.
Starting service "UWS LoPriv Services"...OK.
Monitor Service Installer: [11/5/2013 10:01:51 PM] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting Monitoring Service INSTALL custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Install()...OK.
Reg.Repair: [11/5/2013 10:01:51 PM] Information
Registering Configuration API as COM typelib...Done.
Creating Windows Firewall Exceptions...
Added exception for the following ports:
-- Done.
Deploying UWS as setup prerequisite for installer authoring tools...Visual Studio was not found on this system.
InstallShield was not found on this system.
Successfully copied Advanced Installer prerequisite from "C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server\Redist\Advanced Installer\UltiDev Web Server Pro.aip" to "C:\ProgramData\Caphyon\Advanced Installer\Prerequisites\UltiDev Web Server Pro\UltiDev Web Server Pro.aip".
Re-registering Legacy Cassini API assembly in GAC...Done.
Replace Visual Studio WebDev.WebServer with UWS Interactive Host...Not necessary.
[11/5/2013 10:01:54 PM] Information
-------------- Starting custom action Commit ----------------
1. Retrieving upgraded product code... Not an upgrade.
2. Calling base.Commit()... Ok.
3. Updating TCP settings for better server performance..... No changes made. Ok.
4. Comm on tip... Reg Data: a=f60dfd1a-209e-4e12-9cf1-70820249a0c3&u=3
-------------- Finished custom action Commit ----------------
high-privilege API service installer: [11/5/2013 10:01:55 PM] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting high-privilege API service Commit custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Commit()...OK.
low-privilege API service installer: [11/5/2013 10:01:55 PM] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting low-privilege API service Commit custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Commit()...OK.
Monitor Service Installer: [11/5/2013 10:01:55 PM] Information
%%%%%%%%%% Starting Monitoring Service Commit custom action. %%%%%%%%%%
Calling service base.Commit()...OK.
Changing service's startup and recovery settings...OK.
Stopping Cassini 1 service if necessary...Cassini 1 services not found.
Starting service "UltiDev Web Server Pro"...
Monitor Service Installer: [11/5/2013 10:01:55 PM] Error
Failed at Commit custom MSI action when installing Monitoring service.
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
[11/5/2013 10:02:00 PM] Information
-------------- Starting custom action Rollback ----------------
1. Calling base.Rollback()... Ok.
2. Removing MSI files from Redist folders... Ok.
3. Removing junction point if necessary... Ok.
4. Removing junction points for redist folders... Ok.
5. Removing UWS .NET API from Visual Studio "Add Reference" list.... Ok.
-------------- Finished custom action Rollback ----------------